Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Spy a Triple Treat

I finished making this I Spy quilt in time for Jack's 3rd birthday.  It ended up very bright and busy - just like Jack!  The blocks are made from 3 different sized squares - 2.5 inch, 3.5 inch and 6.5 inch.  The large squares, 15 in all, I chose carefully to reflect the things that Jack likes.  The smallest squares are a mix of I Spy and tone on tone fabrics in red, yellow, orange, blue and green.  I avoided purple and pink, this is definitely a quilt for a boy.
I made Triple Treat on my Singer 1950s Featherweight.  In fact, everything I've sewn in the last twelve months has been on this Singer. It runs like a charm.  Because this Singer is so small I used a Quilt As You Go (QAYG) method to quilt the single bed size quilt.  I enjoyed QAYG; it's so nice to finish the top and find the whole quilt is done.
And did Jack like his birthday present?  See for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of I Spy quilts. Can't remember how many I have made over the years, but I do have 3 on the go right now.
    They are the best quilt for kids.
    I like your design.
